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Session # 21

Starting with the doubled pawn. The doubled pawn is bad to have, so consequently, it is good to give to our enemy. It gives us almost the equivalent of having a pawn behind. Doubled pawns are two pawns of the same color that are on the same file. They are weak because of the fact that they cannot protect one another, so are easier to capture.

For the opened file, it is excellent to have one if we know how to use it. Think of an opened file as an entry into the enemy camp. An open file can be described as a file in which there are no pawns. We must do all that is possible to get the control of that file and keep it, because then it becomes a threat against our own army. This is the perfect place to make batteries.

Here the black pawns on the e file are doubled, the white bishop can take easily the e7 pawn.

Here, the h file is opened. We can see that both sides have already started to battle for the control of it.

At the end of every session, we recommend pracicing and / or doing some chess puzzles. This site has chess puzzles and also a chess forum so you can chat with other players.

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